We are very excited to announce our GRAND OPENING! The Yukon community - and all of Ken's previous clients - are invited to visit us on December 1st, 2018! While snacking on light refreshments, you will be able to ask Ken about the newest changes to the tax laws and what you can do to prepare for your appointment.
Need directions? Google can get you here! Questions? Send us an email at PelicanTaxServices@gmail.com or use our Contact Form via our home page. Let us know you are coming - RSVP on Facebook!
If you live near the corner of Vandament and Cornwell in Yukon, look for this postcard in your mail:
We started thinking about starting our own business last summer. We started planning for it this spring. We finally found the right place in August, signed the lease in September, and began prepping the space in October. With only a few more items on our To-Do List to check off, we are finally looking like an office. We have put a lot of work into setting up - just take a look! But, to see the finished product you'll have to visit us in December...
There are so many people to thank for helping us begin this adventure, including Ken's parents for making sure we had everything that we needed for a new tax office; Donna, Johnny, Second Ken, and Daniel for helping us paint; our wonderful leasing agent Elise; our good friends Eric & June for supporting (... putting up with) us during this crazy time; and Addie's family, for their long-distance support of this exciting new chapter of our lives. This fall has been intense, and we would not have been able to manage it without the help, support, and encouragement from our friends and family.
We also must specially thank Carol G. for being our first official client phone call, Angela C. for being the first person to book an appointment on our website, and Beverly K. for being Pelican's first appointment (even if it was at the library!). We are so grateful to all of Ken's clients from his previous tax office who have given us their support, and we look forward to seeing each of you at our Grand Opening!
Let us know you are coming! Send us an email, comment on this post, or respond to our event on Facebook: Click Here!